Feeding Stray Dogs

Feeding Stray Dogs

Feeding Stray Dogs

Feeding Stray Dogs

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Just feeding stray dogs is not exactly right. We must also ensure that the stray dogs whom we feed are vaccinated once a year and are also free from diseases like rabies. This helps in effective population control of stray dogs and the prevention of rabies. If every person starts contributing their time or money for such activities then very soon, we won’t have to see the tribulation of stray dogs on the streets. Their population will start to decrease drastically and those on the streets will be in good health and good hands too.

Extending the hand of care to the needy is an act of solicitousness. But mostly we don’t extend the solicitude to our furry friends, dogs unless they are domesticated pets. Strays are left to rummage for anything they can get their paws on; it’s a scramble and they often end up to coping on scraps and garbage, fighting each other for just a little share.  So, when some dog lovers come along together with a feeding hand to such needy stray dogs, they can help a lot in improving the quality of their lives and rehabilitating their regular food intake schedule. Not only that, but this guide will also help us understand the best practices to be undertaken while feeding stray dogs.

Let’s give a hand to our furry friends and achieve great gratification. Feed stray dogs and make yourself feel like feeding your own soul!

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What We Do ?

What We Do ?

We know there are two types of dog lover; one who pretends to be them or just call themselves a dog lover and the other ones who are the actual ones who take care of dogs whether they are on street or in home. There are many street dogs we see around and still hesitate to help them. So, our NGO has taken the step to help and feed the stray dogs in every way possible.

We provide the roadside dogs proper and healthy food and take care of their medications as well. If any dog is injured or met with an accident, we get a call through our social media like Facebook as we have mentioned our contact number and information there and we take them immediately to the hospital or vet doctors to get quick treatment.

More than 50 dogs are under our care and protection with attachment like our family members. We also provide dog food to the street dogs whenever we get to know about them and their condition on a regular basis